Now is a great time to fertilize your lawn, trees and shrubs.
Liming is best done in the fall. It can take over a year for the lime to become active. If moss begins to grow, the soil is definitely too acid. Get a soil test to find out if you need to lime for sure if moss is not growing.

It’s an ideal time to plant new trees and shrubs with dormancy beginning. Planting trees and shrubs in the fall gives them all winter to develops new roots and establish themselves a bit before the next summer. Check newly planted evergreen plants regularly during the winter to ensure they are getting enough water. Mulch newly planted or existing trees and shrubs to help reduce weeds, provide insulation from freezing temperatures, and conserve moisture. You can transplant perennials throughout the fall and winter if you can find them as long as they remain dormant.
Cut back Russian sage, hardy mum, and other perennials back to the ground for winter. Leave cone flower and black-eyed Susan flower stalks for birds to enjoy.
Save cutting back ornamental grasses for late-winter to provide some winter interest until spring.