July is a good month to prune “bleeder” trees like maples, dogwood, elm,
birch and other trees that bleed when pruned in winter.
Give chrysanthemums at least one pinching every month to make the branch out. Give them one last pinching no later the first of August.
Though most gardeners divide them in the spring, hostas, daylilies, and iris are BEST divided in the heat of the summer- late-July into august. Iris will likely have time to reestablish themselves and rebloom the next year. Remember to plant iris shallow.
Keep everything fertilized. A water soluble fertilizer works best applied monthly. Miracle grow is what I use.
For even better results, have us come out and give everything a professional fertilization once per month. Avoid fertilizing most trees and shrubs from August to November. Fertilize roses one last time to encourage new growth and late summer/early fall flowers.